Sunday, February 7, 2010

Made it Through Another Examination Hell!

Last year two of the kids had entrance exams, and this year one.  Ai's junior high school recommended her to her first choice high school (public).  She also passed both of the exams she took at two other schools (private) in town.  There is still one more exam (public) in March, which she will not need to take now that her decision is settled.

Congratulations Ai!  But remember, just because you don't HAVE to study for the March exams, doesn't mean you get to goof off, either.  (Well, too much anyway.)


Anonymous said...

Way to go Ai!

I know it's wrong (sin) to envy...but I do envy you with those great kids of your's.

Becky said...

Thanks, oldadam. I'll remember that next time the mom in this house gets irked (also a sin), which tends to happen on a regular basis. But by the grace of God go we, right?