Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rifqa is Being Sent Back to Ohio

Today brings some sad news. Rifqa Bary, the 17-year-old Christian girl who ran away from her Muslim family in Ohio, will be sent back to them. Pamela Geller has blogged extensively about the entire case. PLEASE read about it there. I will continue to keep Rifqa in my prayers. That is about all I can do.

Here is one of my favorite hymns. I couldn't find an audio version I liked. The organ pieces sounded too overpowering, and you could not discern the melody (unless you're already familar with the music). When I was Rifqa's age, we sang it at church.(I always thought I'd like it sung at my funeral. And today I am in a type of mourning for this young girl, my sister in Christ.) It's very simple, slow and somber, but with a quiet confidence. This is something hard to grasp: that in the midst of sorrow, Christ gives His people peace.

In Thee Is Gladness

1. In thee is gladness, amid all sadness,
Jesus, sunshine of my heart.
By thee are given the gifts of heaven,
thou the true Redeemer art.
Our souls thou makest, our bonds thou breakest;
who trusts thee surely hath built securely,
and stands forever. Alleluia!
Our hearts are pining to see thy shining;
dying or living, to thee are cleaving;
naught can us sever. Alleluia!

2. If God be ours, we fear no powers,
not of earth or sin or death.
God sees and blesses in worst distresses,
and can change them in a breath.
Wherefore the story tell of God's glory
with heart and voices; all heaven rejoices,
singing forever; Alleluia!
We shout for gladness, triumph o'er sadness,
loving and praising, voices still raising
glad hymns forever: Alleluia!

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful." John 14:27

1 comment:

Steve said...

We'll keep that poor girl in our prayers.

My heart breaks for her.

Thanks for posting this.